day seven (all day visitor!)
26 February 2006
today felt like i accomplished something. i finished a hat (originally meant to be a bag for my headphones, which happened to fit PERFECTLY on my head. wtf? i couldn't do that if i was actually TRYING to make a hat...) and a scarf (the leftover yarn from that skein.) so i get bitch badges for those too! (stitch n bitch "friendship pins", except for finishing projects.)becca (from my stitch n bitch group) spent five hours here today! wow. she's considering doing this study in may, so she wanted to spend a lot of time, asking me a lot of questions, finding out how things work in here, and we spent a lot of time knitting and crocheting, fawning over cute overload and gagging over the fug at you knit what?!. a nice contrast. she also brought me some knitting needles, some yarn (awesome!), four movies and two books. wow. that felt great. -grin- becca, i know you're reading this, and i know i said it about a million times, but thank you so much for taking an afternoon to come hang out.
mike brought fresh laundry, and a quick nuzzle. i miss him so much. he was going to come back later in the afternoon, but when he called, he sounded so worn out. he's been running around all over town, between the kids, work, me, and band practices... he's beat. i told him to stay home and chill out. he's been a really awesome boyfriend this week, and i figured i'd save him a drive and some time that he could really use to just fall asleep. poor guy.
ok, going to take some pictures and upload them to both the SNB yahoo group and the blog, so more posts shortly.