stardust holiday
chronicles of the chronically (and voluntarily) bedridden

budget goodness

19 April 2006
since enough people have asked about it (there have been plenty more off-blog), i'm posting a blank copy of the budget here. it goes through the end of the year too. all of the formulas are already in the spreadsheet which is in .xls (ms excel 97/2000/XP) format.

and if you need a spreadsheet program similar to microsoft excel and don't feel like shelling out the bucks (and i don't blame you one bit): check out open office. it's free, and has all the functionality of the microsoft office programs. (includes word processor, presentation progam, spreadsheets, database (probably similar to access), a mathematical equations programs and a vector drawing program.

the whole thing is super simple, input what you made in a week, and what you spent in a week. you can also start saving and track how much money goes into that as well. easily customiseable. oh, and the colors can obviously be changed, mike and i have always done that so we can tell that we've switched months, when it's all just black on white it's hard to tell whether you're in may or november.

and if you have any questions: my email address is saved in the spreadsheet.

let me know if you grab it, i'd love to know what the interest level is in this kind of thing!
12:48 :: :: permalink
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