stardust holiday
chronicles of the chronically (and voluntarily) bedridden

forty... eight?

07 April 2006
ok., the new drug for the vertigo is wonderful, really but it makes me a little loopy. whee!

i wanted to thank everyone for the great emails and comments you've left for me and i will get to them as soon as i can... there are SO MANY! -grin-

i've also been really busy, with visitors mostly, which is awesome. in the past few days i've seen amy, jay, kyle, and justine... tomorrow holly, leia (!!!!!) sara, mel and whoever else from SNB are coming out for more fun.

i finally heard from leia, which almost made me cry. from her email:
I miss you and I love you.
I didn't think it would change too too much not having you around. BUT I

and then when i was replying, she called and said she was too excited to wait til she got home to get my reply.
she also said "i've been meaning to... you know... well, i'm sorry, i haven't been out to see you yet. and i have reasons, excuses really, and they're bad excuses, and you don't want to hear them." she was right, i didn't want to hear them (heh), but she realized that what she's done so far (nothing) kinda sucked. she wanted to come in tomorrow to hang out, so i told her to bring her crochet stuff and maybe pick up some knitting needles so i could teach her how to knit.

maybe people are finally starting to realize how long i've been gone, and that's why i'm getting more visitors. i don't know, i want to give everyone a second chance, but its kind of a limited time offer.

read more, surf less,

23:35 :: :: permalink
  • You are doing great! Send people to our web page at: www.researchscope.com/spacestudy so we can have more of this on line chat..er, blogging. Nice meeting you at your celebration for getting half way through. You are not only a lovely lady, you are brave and pushing the envelope to help others.


    Best regards,

    J Day

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 17:00  
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